Monday, November 29, 2010

we're going to candy mountain....

This is Charlie. I'm in one of those reminiscing about Alaska moods, so I'm going to post a few good pictures and share a couple stories about some good dogs.

Charlie was an incredible leader, but turned into an untrustworthy pain in the ass by the end of the season. He got lazy and a little mean. He and Maybe caused the biggest (practically the only) fight I had all season. They were both grumpy old men, and I trusted them a little more than I should have.

I'm sure getting off the ice and back into the real world whipped this boy's head right back into shape. I doubt his home kennel put up with the glacier nonsense he was getting away with! Charles was such a goofy boy. He would always roll over to let me zinc and booty him. I can't 100% remember, but I think the cross of CharlieXMarla is where "da boyz" came from. I am 98% sure of this.

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